Another possible rules violation for Murtha? (MORE: VOTE TO REPRIMAND MURTHA FAILS)

This guy just can’t seem to stay out of hot water, can he?

Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) submitted an earmark certification letter for the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) May 1, more than five weeks after the Intelligence Committee’s deadline and the day before the panel marked up its authorization bill, according to copies of the letter and the notice of the deadline sent to the entire committee.

Murtha addressed the letter only to Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas), not Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.), the panel’s ranking member. Hoekstra has said he was not given a copy—an apparent violation of House rules. All earmarks must be disclosed in writing to both the chairman and ranking member.

The vote on whether or not to reprimand him for his earmark threat against Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) is scheduled for later today.

Stay tuned …

Update I: The vote to reprimand Murtha failed, surprise surprise (hat tip: Vegas Art Guy).

Update II: Speaking of “the most ethical Congress evah” …

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