Yawnworthy news of the day: One liar endorses another
Notorious liar and moonbat icon (but I repeat myself) Joe Wilson has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for president:
“I’m delighted to fight the fight with her. … The person who has always reached out to us has been Hillary. … I think Hillary is a fighter. … She is a wonderful individual. … More diplomacy the better. There is no daylight between us on Iran.”
Sean Hackbarth writes:
And isn’t it ironic that Wilson, who thinks he was unfairly attacked by the White House, endorsing a candidate who was part of a White House that turned payback into a devious art?
Ironic indeed.
John Riley at Newsday’s “Spin Cycle” blog shares this interesting tidbit:
This brings to mind a recent, and quite astute, Washington Post column about how Hillary inserted a paragraph about the need to stay in Iraq in her recent Iowa speeches, but emphasized get-out-now rhetoric in her press releases and the other ten pages of the speeches.
In any event, this ‘earth-shattering’ news about the endorsement was revealed on a liberal blogger conference call apparently held by Mr. Consumante Dishonesty himself. Of course, the left is going gaga, as well they should. Why? Because Joe Wilson thinks exactly like they do: He hates Bush and he wants us to cut and run from Iraq, and he’ll do anything in his power, including lie and cook-up a faux scandal for several years in order to accomplish his goal.
It’s no wonder he likes Hillary so much. Can’t wait to see the PhotoShops of this little alliance.
Update: Aww, heck, I decided to try my hand at a little photo editing. It isn’t great, but remember – I’m not an expert at this stuff

Here’s the original, for what it’s worth: