Sunday linkage
Hope you’re continuing to enjoy this long, relaxing, Labor Day holiday weekend. The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous, much better than those mid 90s to 102 degree temperatures we were having just a few short weeks ago. When you wake up in the morning here and step out onto the back porch, you can feel fall in the air. I luv it
Here are some links selected for your perusal:
—- Did you hear the news? Someone’s finally serving time for the Duke lacrosse rape case – the person who most deserved it. But it’s not nearly enough time, in my humble opinion. ST reader Dana R. Pico has the details.
—- Tigerhawk is holding a digital photo contest. To find out how to submit a photo for consideration, click here.
—- The Argghhh! blog posts news about a "tough decision" their man in (Paki)’Stan has to make. Decisions decisions On a more serious note, Wizbang’s Cassy Fiano blogs about how to help bring the holidays to our troops.
—- The search for the 6 Utah miners, who have been missing for nearly four weeks, has been halted indefinitely. Please keep the families of those men in your thoughts and prayers, as this will mean an even longer, agonizing wait for closure on finding their loved ones.
—- Republican Senator John Warner (VA) will be retiring next year, which will mean yet another competitive seat for the GOP to try and keep in their hands.
—- The Hollywood Reporter (unsurprisingly) gives a favorable review to Brian De Palma’s despicable film "Redacted." If you’ve got the stomach for it, you can read the review here.
—- Blogs of War updates us on the latest grapevine rumors on US plans for dealing with Iraq. The usual suspects, of course, are flipping out at the sheer nerve of the Pentagon to have contingency plans for dealing with Ahmeanie.
—- Hsu knew?
—- Going to the beach in Queens? Be careful – sharks have been spotted there recently … and this time they don’t look eerily similar to Bill Clinton.
And last but not least, to end on a good note:
—- This is Un.Real! No-ranked Appalachian State University beat #5 Michigan yesterday in college football. Some are calling it one of the ‘greatest upsets’ in college football history. ASU normally has about as much to celebrate on the football front as my beloved Duke Blue Devils and their football team (which is to say, they have nothing to celebrate at all) so this is mega-huge news for the Mountaineers. (Update: Check the comments for a correction from Ryan on ASU’s success rate in football. Nevertheless, this is still huge news for them.)