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September 2007, Page 4

Iraqis and US working together in parts of Baghdad

The surge is working in Baghdad’s Ameriya district, thanks in no small part to US forces and Iraqis being able to work together to root out Al Qaeda. Watch this 5 minute report that details how things were at the start of the surge, compared to how they are now. In it, you’ll find some surprising alliances formed, and a declaration that Al Qaeda has been defeated in Ameriya, along with the concern amongst the heroes in the 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment over the lack of political progress in Iraq......   [Read More]

Watch for shrieking radical feminists

Last week, I blogged about the blatant double standards radical feminists use in order to suppress speech they don’t want to hear from men. In my post, I linked up to a Kathleen Parker piece where she pointed out that one female MIT biologist actually complained “that she felt she was either going to faint or throw up” after listening to former Harvard President Larry Summer’s speech in which he suggested that the reason men are more successful in professions like science could be the fact that male and female minds are different and that men are smarter in certain areas than women are......   [Read More]