Meet Maj. David Rozelle

Just got done reading this wonderful story about Maj. David Rozelle, who lost his right foot in a landmine explosion in Iraq on June 21, 2003. Via Griff’s Notes:

It’s Maj. David Rozelle, the Administrator for the Amputee Care Center at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Maj. Rozelle was leading a convoy in Hit, Iraq, west of Baghdad on 21 June 2003 when a landmine claimed his right foot. By June of 2004, just one year later, Rozelle became the first amputee in history to redeploy to the battlefield in Iraq to command troops again.

Maj. Rozelle is also the Team Captain of the “Missing Parts in Action” (Yes, he certainly hasn’t lost his sense of humor) running team for the Army Ten Miler here in Washington on Sunday. Rozelle started the team four years ago with 6 guys who wanted to overcome incredible odds Γ’β‚¬β€œ this year there are 30 team members. And I am going to attempt to keep up with them.

When I asked Rozelle what the significance of the race was for him, here’s what he told me:

“It’s a message to the enemy: I’M STILL STRONGER THAN YOU. I’M NOT BEAT.”

Make sure to read it all.

Reminds me of our own courageous NC Cop, who I’m sure is intently watching that Indians/Yankees game right about now ;)

Hat tip: Lt. Col P at OpFor

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