The latest on Hillary’s Hsu money
The LA Times reports that Hillary’s not returning all that Hsu money after all:
WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton returned more than $800,000 in contributions donated to her presidential campaign that were arranged by alleged swindler Norman Hsu. But campaign officials said Tuesday they had no plans to return more than $260,000 that many of the same donors gave to her Senate political accounts.
Officials said they would return those contributions only if requested to do so by individual contributors.
A Los Angeles Times analysis found that 77 donors whose contributions to the presidential campaign were returned last month also gave to Clinton’s two Senate-related political funds.
Her Senate campaign committee, Friends of Hillary, received $235,000 in donations from the 77 donors later linked to Hsu. Ten of those contributors gave an additional $28,000 to Clinton’s leadership political fund, HillPac.
In September, Clinton announced that she would return all donations to her presidential campaign that were connected to Hsu, who had been one of her most valued fundraisers. She made the decision after reports in The Times that Hsu was a fugitive from a 1991 fraud charge, that he had been pressing some of his investors to contribute to the senator, and that the FBI was looking into his investment schemes.
The refunds to 249 individual donors underlined Clinton’s effort to sever connections with Hsu, who has since been charged by federal prosecutors with swindling more than $60 million from investors nationwide. Clinton nonetheless has no plans to automatically refund money given previously to her Senate accounts by those linked to Hsu.
“Because we did not keep track of contributions in the same way during the Senate campaign we have no basis for knowing that these individuals were solicited by Norman Hsu,” said Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson. He said the Clinton campaign had gone beyond what it was legally or ethically bound to do when it gave back the presidential contributions.
Suitably Flip has been the blogger to watch on the Hsu scandal, and weighs in here with his thoughts. Bookmark/blogroll him, and just keep scrolling for much more information that has been hard to find – and in some cases has been non-existent – in most major MSM outlets.
- Hsu charged with fraud – and more Hillary campaign money questions
- Clinton campaign dismissed alarm bells raised by California businessman about Hsu
- “Hillraiser” and fugitive from justice Norman Hsu captured in Colorado (MORE: HSU NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE?)
- Hsu, Hsu, where are you?
- More Hillary campaign contribution questions
- Something smells with “top” Clinton campaign donors