Bill Maher: “Why couldn’t, uh, why couldn’t have [Rush] croaked from [drugs] instead of Heath Ledger?”
Another day, another instance of Bill Maher wishing death on a political opponent, and one more example of the MSM’s double standards.
Oh yeah – he’s a “comedian” (and a liberal one at that) which is supposed to make stuff like this “ok.”
Freaking creep.
- 5/13/05 – “The Army missed its recruiting goal by 42% last month. More people joined the Michael Jackson Fan Club. “We’ve done picked all the low-lying Lynndie England fruit.” And now we need warm bodies.”
- 9/25/05 – Bill Maher insinuates that President Bush is a drunk who is beating Laura Bush
- 10/31/06 – Bill Maher mocks Steve Irwin’s death via a stingray barb costume
- 3/3/07 – Bill Maher Sorry the Assassination Attempt on Dick Cheney Failed