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March 2008, Page 6

Rational and thoughtful ways to bridge the racial divide

We’ve been told by liberal apologists this week in response to Barack Obama’s “Lincoln-esque” speech that it was right on the money, and provided a ‘painful’ but necessary reminder as to why we ‘need’ the Rev. Wrights of this world: to keep front and center in our minds our country’s history when it comes to race, so we can wallow in the guilt forever and ever. That, they believe, is the only way we can ‘move forward’ in an effort to bridge the racial divide. Much of what Wright has asserted wouldn’t be so ‘controversial,’ they asserted in so many words, had he ‘worded’ it better, because much of what Wright has preached from his pulpit on Sundays was/is supposedly ‘true.’ So instead of being critical, we should just sit back, listen, ‘learn,’ and let the guilt wash over us......   [Read More]