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June 2008, Page 8

Liberals to Obama: Dude, who the hell are you? (PLUS: OBAMA’S “PRESIDENTIAL SEAL”)

Yesterday, I wrote about how badly the far left were disappointed over the House Democrats’ “cave” on the FISA bill (btw, the House officially voted today to pass it, and the WaPo reports that the Senate will likely follow their lead). Most lefty blogs were filled with bloggers expressing “betrayal” and “disgust” at how House Democrats “turned their backs” on them – and, supposedly, the Constitution......   [Read More]

The fun never stops :)

I came home this evening after a busy afternoon at the 8-5, started catching up on the news shortly thereafter, and haven’t been able to stop laughing since. Why? Well, it all centers around the story about the agreement reached today between Democrats and Republicans in the House on the FISA bill, which has been stalled for quite some time now thanks to numerous disagreements, among them immunity to telecoms:.....   [Read More]