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October 2008, Page 22

PDS Brigade: Gov. Palin cheated!

Well, HuffPo wondered aloud last night whether or not she’d be wired, and their mirror images at Reuters actually asked the Debate Commission to check the ear canals of each candidate, so it was only a matter of time before more far left geniuses followed up today by exclaiming that Gov. Palin was working off a “cheat sheet” of sorts at last night’s debate. Taking his cue from the McPalin-hating NYT, “Faiz” at Think Progress gurgles:.....   [Read More]

The ST blog: 5 years strong … and still growing

Hard to believe it, but today’s my 5th blogiversary, and what I said on my 4th blogiversary holds true today. I sincerely, sincerely appreciate the support of longtime readers, commenters, and emailers who send me encouragement, tips, and write to me both in email and on the blog about their views. It’s safe to say that we all learn and grow when we’re willing to listen and learn to and from each other. Over the years this blog has taken on a family-like atmosphere, since so many have gotten to know each other from regular commenting......   [Read More]

Did the Democrats play a significant role in the current financial crisis?

It’s been well-documented, mostly by conservative writers, about how Democrats repeatedly hindered efforts by Republicans including John McCain at trying for a regulatory overhaul of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The evidence exists in print and video that while the Bush admininstration and Republican members of the House and Senate were saying “we’ve got to do something about this,” Democrats like Rep. Barney Frank, House Financial Services Committee Chair, and Senator Chris Dodd, Senate Banking Committee Chair, were saying there were “no” problems with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac......   [Read More]