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November 2008, Page 15

The Gov. Palin bashing from within the McCain campaign

I can’t really add anymore to this, outside of noting that one should never underestimate the ability of Republicans in positions of influence to shoot the entire party in its collective foot with idiotic, unsubstantiated remarks like the ones made by “brave” unnamed campaign sources on the pages of various newspapers today including, of course, the Palin-hating NYT......   [Read More]

Proud of my state

Those of you who were around for my election night liveblogging know that I had planned on staying up until the state of NC was called, because I was hoping against hope that in the end it would have gone to McCain, giving a small victory in what otherwise was an extremely disappointing night. However, I went to bed once I realized that NC wasn’t going to be called before I had to get up and go to work the next morning......   [Read More]