WaPo’s pro-Obama bias continues
When last we left you, the WaPo’s ombudsman Deborah Howell was admitting to readers post-election that, yes, the Washington Post was biased in favor of Barack Obama at least ‘for the last year’ or so of his campaign.
Today, Fishbowl DC reports how the WaPo is now soliciting for positive-only ads for a section they will be doing on Barack Obama’s inauguration. From an internal notice:
WashingtonPost Media is at the epicenter of the inauguration, and the Classifieds team is giving readers the chance to send a personal message of congratulations to President-Elect Obama that can be read by millions. The announcements can be placed though the call center or online, with prices starting at $10 for the combo. TWP anticipates about 2,500 – 3,000 announcements will be posted, to appear in the January 20 inaugural issue and live online from today until President’s Day. This is a floating section, but users can find it via print and online promotions and through the global search bar.
The idea came from Leverne Moore Laws at TWP, and within a matter of days, both The Washington Post and WPNI were running at full speed to meet an aggressive deadline. This historic product would not have been possible without: Jackie Conrad, Galen Derry, Chris Wagner, Darren Bailey, Rakesh Mishra, Chris Buddie, Al Funk, George Smorse (who gave up vacation time), Rochelle Sanchirico, Dave Hayman, Kris Coratti, Maria Cereghino, Dave Marino-Nachison, Sherrese Smith, Tola Sanni, Ilene Cook and the support of Candy Lee.
Here’s what appears at the bottom of the solicitation page:

“All ads must be congratulatory in nature“? Good catch, Fishbowl.
Just curious: How many of the messages already posted are from WaPo journalists themselves? Did they get an employee discount?
And final question: Show of hands how many think they’d have done similarly had McCain/Palin won last month?
I didn’t think so.