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August 2009, Page 8

Why you shouldn’t believe the “public option may be off the table” spin

Michelle Malkin’s got a good link round-up on the back and forth that went on over the weekend about whether or not the “public option” part of ObamaCare was now officially or even unofficially off the table, and she explains why ObamaCare opponents shouldn’t get their hopes up over the discussion because what’s this strategy really is all about is floating a “trial balloon” to see how nuts the far left goes over the idea of ditching the public option. With key Senate races picking up steam, the WH is trying to figure out whether or not they can dump the public option – for now – and still maintain the magic 60 number......   [Read More]

The ultimate Meghan McCain takedown

If you’re like me, you haven’t paid much attention to Meghan McCain – not during and not post-election, outside of knowing that since the election she seems to have deemed herself as the “unofficial spokeswoman” for the GOP. And why shouldn’t she feel that way? The mainstream media, always on the hunt for self-loathing Republicans, have pretty much crowned her as their “go-to” source on the GOP much like they’ve crowned Levi Johnston as their “go-to” source on Sarah Palin......   [Read More]