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October 2009, Page 5

Sending some love to Jake Tapper for standing up to WH’s war against Fox News

First, sorry for the light blogging today. I think I’ve overdone it the last few days in terms of playing catch-up both in my personal life and at the 8-5 after my week and a half long bout with the swine flu, and I came home tonight with a headache, lingering cough, and a feeling of being wiped out so I decided to take the night off from blogging......   [Read More]

RIP, Spc. Stephan Mace

If you’re sick of hearing about the “balloon boy” drama/hoax, please make sure to read this touching story about Spc. Stephan Mace, 21, who – along with 7 other soldiers serving alongside him – was KIA in Afghanistan earlier this month by the Taliban during a battle that lasted 12 hours. It’s a melt-your-heart and make-you-cry tribute to both him and his journey home -a journey on which his mother joined him. Snippets:.....   [Read More]