
Writing like a madwoman when I get home from work every day. Revising each night like hell, wanting to get it just right. A wise friend once told me that, as far as your first draft goes, don’t worry about getting it right; just get it written and go back later and fine tune the weak spots – or edit them out. To date, it’s advice I haven’t taken.

In fact, I don’t even have a complete character list nor book outline composed. How pathetic is that? All I know is that I’m seriously sleep deprived (averaging four hours a night the last couple of weeks) because I simply don’t want to go to bed until I’m satisfied that I’ve come to a good stopping point with what I’ve typed out. Sometimes I stop to listen to a song that may have a melody suited for the mood of a particular current or future scene in the book, or I watch a partial video or DVD to fine tune the visual, physical elements rotating around in my mind that I want to add to the book in some way, or I, scan a few pages from some books that have inspired certain characteristics of the main characters of my book. It’s an endless cycle, and I am fully immersed in it.

Now I know what artists mean when they say that sometimes painting a subject can make them crazy. The same is true for this particular nocturnal fiction writer when it comes to trying to jam every book idea I have out on the keyboard in one single night. Sometimes you have an idea that you think is so promising, so potentially good and maybe even unique, that you’re worried like hell you’re going to lose it if you don’t get it all typed out in a hurry.

Back to work.

(Video link)

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