Sully on Journolist Trig Truthers: You hypocrites!
Excitable Andy blasts off at the Journolisters, some of who – as we learned this week – were secretly Trig Truthers themselves (via Memeorandum):
Remember all those liberals and lefties huffily denouncing this blog’s attempts to make sense of Sarah Palin’s bizarre stories about the pregnancy and birth of her alleged fifth child? I was nuts, crazy, vile, disgusting, etc etc to indulge in what Dave Weigel, with no working knowledge of the story, calls “nonsense.” You may also recall that the liberal media didn’t touch this with a barge-pole – and still hasn’t (apart from a NYT puff-piece that I found utterly credulous at the time). Newsweek has even put its entire reputation behind the details of the story as outlined in Going Rogue, without doing any independent reporting on the subject.
Well, we now know, that, for some at least, I wasn’t crazy. I was just not disciplined enough to curtail what this blog airs in order to conform with what many Journo-listers believed were the interests of the Obama campaign. Any delusions that Journo-List was not, in part, a collusory venture to shape the media narrative in ways to benefit Obama, above and beyond ferreting out the truth about any and all candidates, must now be abandoned. Ezra Klein has already been caught in a bald-faced lie about his discretion in picking members; and the notion that this was simply a water-cooler collection of journalistic thoughts is also belied by the emails now published by the Daily Caller.
One should say this, however: I have no way of knowing what the DC has omitted, and how it has shaped this information. The thread stops rather abruptly. Maybe there is context that adds to what we know. I do not trust in any way the ethics of the Daily Caller. Nonetheless, I was obviously not alone in those August days, when I was pilloried for saying out loud what the entire chattering class was saying in private. Check these quotes out. First Ezra, setting down the line:
Seriously, folks? Best case scenario, what’s your outcome here: Her daughter, hounded by the tabloids, breaks down that it was her child, and her mother heroically took on the burden and welcomed the disabled boy as one of her own? Palin’s relationship with her children — however they may have come to her — strikes me as pretty far out of bounds. By all accounts she’s a wonderful mother, and devoted to her fifth son. Leave this be.
If you want to know why the allegedly liberal media didn’t touch – and still won’t touch – this story, look no further. It has nothing to do with the facts, and everything to do with their politics. Notice the core modus operandi of the political operative, not the journalist. When dealing with a story: first ask yourself not if it is true but whether the outcome benefits your side. Second, write things in defense of this that you cannot possibly know. Palin a “wonderful mother”? How on earth did Klein know that?
He’s absolutely on a tear, so make sure to read the whole thing. The gist of it was/is: How dare you leave me out here all alone, defenseless against the onslaught of right wingers who are treating me as though I’ve lost my mind?
The one thing I’ve gotten out of the whole Journalist email/list revelations is the fact that it’s affirmative confirmation that left wing movers and shakers in both the opinion media and mainstream media are guilty of the same hatefulness and vindictiveness as they claim their counterparts on the right are. Not that you and I needed this proof, of course, but there might have been others who looked at what conservatives have written about liberals and have said in turn “oh, that’s just your biased interpretation about what they meant.” These emails prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that our “biased interpretations” were right on target.