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April 2011, Page 6

Emerging liberal meme: We gotta stop being so gosh-darned ‘tolerant’!

The far left’s frustration with our far left celebrity President’s supposedly not being far left enough has reached a boiling point in recent days, with prominent liberalΒ movers and shakersΒ bemoaning the alleged “fact” that liberals are just too darned civil when it comes to dealing with conservatives.Β Β  Hilarious, I know, but let’s take an amused look at what some of them are saying.Β  First up, the NYT’s beloved Kruggie:.....   [Read More]

Don’t get all the hoopla over Donald Trump? Gimme a “hell yeah”

I have to admit I’m completely baffled by all the fanfare surrounding Donald Trump’s flirtation with running for President, whether it be as an β€œIndependent” or another party affiliation.Β  The sensationalism-obsessed MSM, of course, can be expected to be all over this story but what’s not understandable is why some Republicans and conservatives are becoming excited about the possibility that Trump will run for President.Β  Β Jonah Goldberg has a great column up today on this issue in which he reminds conservatives who support a Trump candidacy that he is not exactly the person we need to rally around for 2012 – not if we support conservative policies and want to win, anyway:.....   [Read More]