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May 2011, Page 3

Smoothest President evah!! flubs toast to the Queen

Heh. Normally, I could care less about stuff like this. People, even world leaders, are human and are bound to make a mistake or two on the world stage, recover from it, and then move on. But seeing as how the left routinely crucified President Bush for what they perceived as a gross lack of worldly poise, grace, and finesse (how often did we hear things along the lines of, “What do you expect from a goofy Texas cowboy?”?), not to mention how they took great pleasure in laughing and making fun of the former President’s every gaffe, I’m engaging in more than just a little bit of schadenfreude this morning after reading the story at the link above (the video is also posted there). How very, very awkward for our celebrity President – not to mention embarrassing! .....   [Read More]