Discussion: What does their reaction to the Norway tragedies tell us about the left?

It goes without saying that we were all sickened and enraged at the terrorist attacks that took place in Norway on Friday which, as of this writing, have left over 90 60 dead – most of them teenagers – and over 90 wounded. The lone Oslo/Utoya terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik, appeared in court today seeking to “explain” his actions to an angry, shocked, and outraged nation but his initial court appearance was closed to the public.

As we all attempt to process (not “understand” as there is no “understanding” when it comes to horrific acts such as the ones Breivik carried out on Friday) what happened in Norway, what disturbs me and disgusts me almost as much as Friday’s mass murders was the left’s rush to morally equate isolated lone acts of so-called “Christian” extremism with the routine, coordinated, global terror attacks carried about by jihadis in the name of “Allah” – something the Mohammed Attas of the world are authorized to do by the Koran itself, unlike Christianity, which does not preach that believers terrorize and kill non-believers but instead tells us that God is the only, the ultimate judge when it comes to judging non-believers and Christians who have lost their way when the time comes.

It never fails to amaze me how left-wingers are quick to say “only a tiny minority of Muslims believe it’s ok to kill in the name of Allah, so we shouldn’t broad brush”, but when a murderous rampage here in the states or a terrorist act of epic proportions takes place overseas – and the perps in both cases were supposedly motivated by a warped interpretation of the Bible –  all of a sudden we should “take a closer look at Christians.” What’s odd is that at the same time the left tries to say Christian terror is on par with Muslim terror in terms of size and scope, they directly contradict themselves by suggesting that Christians like you and me look on approvingly at what happened in Norway because of the supposed ‘similar rhetoric’ the terrorist used on issues like multiculturalism. IOW, the left can’t stand it when conservatives “broad brush” Islam – even though the very nature of Islam is in fact evil, as has been proven over and over again – with praise far and wide from the Islamic community, but they don’t mind broad brushing all Christians for the acts of a militant few so-called “Christians”, acts that indeed distort God’s word, acts that are not supported nor applauded by any real Christian worth his or her salt anywhere.

In other words, to the left it’s “let’s not “judge” Islamists for the “actions of a few” but in turn let’s judge all Christians for the actions of a few.  We’ve all seen this before. There simply is no rational basis for the left’s constant hypocrisy on broad-brushing and characterizing different religious groups. In fact, about the only religious peoples the left seems to take issue with are Christians themselves, who are responsible for more good in the world than mainstream Islam ever will ever be. In fact, I can see no good coming out of mainstream Islam considering that it subjugates women and justifies acts of violence and murder against non-believers using a “by any means necessary” approach, again in accordance to Islamic law, which gets its basis from the Koran itself.

It’s really a shame that liberals can’t pause to take a breath and collect their thoughts before they start trying to use tragedies like what happened in Norway for shameless opportunistic political gain. In fact, I think some on the left are actually hopeful from the start after hearing news of terrorist acts that they can somehow pin the acts on Christians, the Glenn Becks of the world, etc. It’s Saul Alinsky all the way – identify, personalize, isolate, and ridicule your opposition … no matter whether the criticism is valid or not.

It’s a sad commentary on the left that they can’t find it in themselves to unite with the right when it comes to fighting against the barbaric practices authorized by the Koran and carried out by jihadis worldwide. And here I thought it was liberals who were supposed to be the “champions of human rights”??


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