#WarOnWomen Tweet of the Day: “GOP makes Sharia law kind of look mild!”
Epic FAIL:
Yet another GOP bill forces vaginal penetration on women tiny.cc/rrb4awThey make Sharia law kind of look mild!#waronwomen#p2 #p21
— Kevin Cole (@kcole0) March 13, 2012
Ummmm … HELL NO.
Sadly, the talking point about the GOP being “worse than sharia law” is gaining ground, if the #WarOnWomen hashtag at Twitter is any indication. I’d invite any of the “enlightened liberal feminists” displaying such outright stupidity to move to any country that enforces barbaric laws against women – and stay there for a lengthy period of time, trying to exercise the rights and freedoms you enjoy in THIS country, and see how far you get. Hopefully when you make it home, you’ll have awakened and seen the vast differences. That is – IF you made it home and weren’t raped to within an inch of your life, stoned to death, or buried alive first ….