#NewTone: Man flips out in front of Rep. Allen West, calls him a “bought mother f*cker”
Javier Manjarres at The Shark Tank has the details:
[….] Allen West was verbally accosted in front of a small group of constituents and media. West was just about to speak with a local TV station when he was interrupted by the lone detractor that seemed to have had one too many Miller Lites.
The individual flipped West the bird, and told him that he was a ”bought Mother F*cker.” We stopped the guy and asked him why he had to use foul language in front of women and children.
He then proceed[ed] to try to say that conservatism was the root cause of slavery and women’s suffrage. Towards the end of the impromptu interview, we discovered that he is a ‘Bible Man’, citing the Bible and accusing yours truly of not reading the Bible, all while flipping me the bird.[….]
Make sure to watch the video at the above link. On one hand, it’s funny to watch this guy who is obviously so clueless act like he’s the smartest guy in town. On the other hand, it’s sad – not just because of how rude he was to Rep. West, but also because this is fairly typical of liberals today to not know what the hell they’re talking about while trying to lecture everyone else … as evidenced by, for example, random interviews done with people who planned to vote for Barack Obama back in 2008. It’s a sobering reminder of today’s challenging educational/informational system – a system that is difficult to successfully combat, thanks to a liberally biased mainstream media, our left wing pop culture, and the general complacency of many average Americans when it comes to caring about what’s going on in the world enough to take the time to research it.
We can’t ever give up in our attempts to change all of the above, but it gets awfully frustrating sometimes when it doesn’t seem like you’re getting through to people – know what I mean?