Proof the end is near: Woman panhandles for … breast implants

Because you might need a break from politics today:

AKRON, Ohio (CBS Cleveland) – Panhandlers often are considered down on their luck drug addicts or booze hounds, but a woman in Akron is panhandling for a different reason.

According to WKYC-TV, Chrissy Lance, 37, is trying to get the money together for breast augmentation surgery.

Lance camps out on the corner of Manchester Road and Carnegie Avenue in a tiny bikini on top of a motorcycle with a sign that says “Not Homeless Need Boobs.”

Lance, a student and single mother who works as a barmaid, says she was inspired by beggars in her city and acquired a panhandling license before she took up her sign.

“I see people panhandling every day,” Lance told WKYC, “so why not panhandle for boobs?”

*Slams head against wall*

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