AP: Gov. Christie & “friend” Obama reunited in NJ to celebrate rebuilding efforts
I couldn’t help but notice this teaser headline from the Associated Press today:
LOL. Most of you reading this might not find it so odd, considering the photos of Gov. Christie and President Obama not long after Hurricane Sandy hit the Atlantic Coast, and especially considering Christie’s gushing praise of the President not long after that for how he was “handling” the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. I found it odd, however, because while you and I may view the way they looked together as equating to “friendship”, rarely do you see it described that way in the headline of a news article about two political allies – no matter whether or not their alliance is an unlikely one. Think about it – how often do you see articles with the headline “Obama and friend Hillary Clinton to visit the UK”, etc? It’s just naturally assumed that there is a “cordial working relationship” there, if not a warm personal one. Describing a political ally as a “friend” usually only happens when the article is about the friendship itself, rather than a political event. This article talked about their emerging so-called “bromance” but it didn’t suggest any deep connection there outside of the one that is political in nature (the one that happened as a result of Hurricane Sandy), a connection that is important for Gov. Christie to have as he is running for re-election this year in what I call a “burple” state – beyond purple, to the point it is almost entirely blue … but with a few shades of red in there.
I think the Associated Press put that headline in there as a not so subtle way of needling the conservatives who have slammed Christie for his treatment of Obama with kid gloves since Sandy devastated the shoreline of NJ and on inland last October. I could be wrong, but it’s just the vibe I get.
In any event, it’s good to see New Jersey coming back to life again. And, darn it, who can’t like the below picture of President Obama holding a stuffed “Chicago” bear that Gov. Christie won and gave to him while playing Touchdown Fever football toss on New Jersey’s Point Pleasant boardwalk earlier today (where the President, er, tanked)? “Bromance” indeed …