AP: Gov. Christie & “friend” Obama reunited in NJ to celebrate rebuilding efforts
I couldn’t help but notice this teaser headline from the Associated Press today:
I couldn’t help but notice this teaser headline from the Associated Press today:
And furthermore, why won’t the bleeping media focus more attention on this fact? I guess it’s more important for the Democrats and their colleagues in the MSM to note the ridiculous, self-serving “bipartisan outrage” over the fact that the House didn’t take up the bill yesterday “in a stunning reversal” as previously anticipated. And also “important” to (falsely) insinuate that thousands of New York and New Jersey residents will be stuck out in the cold as a result of their inaction.
There have been plenty of past examples, of course, but this one takes the cake:
That’s a question I’ve heard and read quite a bit in the aftermath of the widespread, massive devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy. The answer is: Technically with Congressional approval it could happen, but it’s not likely: