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May 2013, Page 7

Perhaps the most important piece you’ll ever read on President Obama

The various scandals we see the Obama administration currently immersed in were entirely predictable, as were the socialistic policies he’s advocated since his very first day in office, as was the continued state of economic stagnation our country still faces as a result of those very policies. Β What’s may not be widely known – or a better word for it might be “understood” – even amongst many a political junkie is a very successful tactic employed by Obama and his team of Chicago political thugs that utterly neutralizes their political opposition to the point that even “mainstream” GOP ideas that you’d think most people could agree on are laughed off as “extreme” or “fringe.” Β Jay Cost at the Weekly Standard wrote a fantastic piece about this political strategy that should be considered a must-read by all Β (bolded emphasis added by me):.....   [Read More]