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June 2013, Page 7

What the real outrage should be in the “Trent Franks 20 wk abortion ban” debate

A couple of days ago I wrote about the “outrage” generated by innocent remarks Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) made regarding a woman getting pregnant as a result of rape. As usual, the controversy was overblown by the feminist victim class in our society because nothing churns them up quite like the opportunity to raise loads of cash off the backs of the dead, aborted unborn in order to advance their “women’s health” agenda. Β Franks, it should be noted, is also fundraising off of the controversyΒ – as he should, as fair is only fair considering his opposition seeks to harass, belittle, and badger him right out of office via demagoguing the hell Β out of what he said during a House JudiciaryΒ committee markup Wednesday of his legislation which calls for a ban on abortion at 20 weeks:.....   [Read More]