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June 2013, Page 6

Demographics don’t accurately represent “diverse” NC in touted #MoralMonday poll

Raleigh news channel WRAL continues in its quest to “prove” that most participants in the left wing “Moral Mondays” protests are from North Carolina. This is a probability no one disputes but WRAL and other Raleigh-area media outlets continue to construct a false narrative (and then argue against it) about what the state GOP and its allies are saying about the protesters.    Reporter Mark Binker writes: (bolded emphasis added by me):.....   [Read More]

#MoralMondays and Media Bias: A Match Made in Raleigh

The steamed, er, esteemed Rev. William Barber (D-NC NAACP) officially kicked off “Moral Mondays” on April 29th, and as we get ready to head into our 7th Moral Monday march (there was no protest on May 27 due to the Memorial Day holiday) now is as good a time as any to provide a primer of sorts on how Moral Mondays are being reported on by what some have for years called our “state-run media.” However, since the state is now firmly in the hands of the Republican Party, it can’t really credibly be called “state-run media” anymore so for purposes of discussion we’ll just call it our left leaning NC mainstream media.  Specifically, the area conservatives look at as the base for Democrat-flavored news is Raleigh and surrounding/nearby cities like Durham, Chapel Hill, and Greensboro......   [Read More]

Thankful for many blessings on this #FathersDay

In a couple of hours the family will be getting together for lunch to celebrate Father’s Day. Considering all of the health issues my dad has been going through, we are so blessed that God has allowed him to be with us for another year and that he is still in relatively good spirits, and still enjoys puttering around the yard, in his small garden, and with his truck. This in spite of the fact that he now has trouble seeing, and gets around a lot slower than he used to. We are thankful that he has not given up on life, because we will not give up on him......   [Read More]