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June 2013

#GZtrial: State tries to discredit own witness after favorable defense testimony

As everyone knows already, the trial of George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin started on Monday. I’ve not been able to watch it live but have kept up with it pretty well through a Twitter list of journos and other key players I created.  The list is like a virtual play by play of what’s happening, what’s being said, etc at the trial, and reading it you almost feel like you’re there.  For those who want to watch it online live, you can do so by visiting   [Read More]

Shock: “Feminists” play victim card after Rick Perry … *compliments* Wendy Davis

You knew it *had* to happen. Two days after newly-minted “hero” – TX state Senator Wendy Davis – tried to filibuster a pro-life bill that would have made the state’s abortion clinics safer and effectively banned the vacuum suction of unborn baby parts (aka abortion) out of a woman’s body after 20 weeks, she and other perpetual “victims of the patriarchy!!!!!” are flashing the victim card over “controversial” remarks made about Davis at the National Right to Life Convention, which is being held in Dallas. As usual, the serial liars at Think Progress led the way, first with a misleading headline that leaves out context, and second – with their usual half-cocked flair. First, the headline:.....   [Read More]

#NewTone Alert: Hate mail of the day, feminism edition :-)

Well, it’s not actually an email but an attempted comment from earlier this afternoon. In response to my post on how fascistic feminist mob rule prevented Texas SB5 pro-life bill from passing a couple of nights ago, someone apparently thinks I’m a — slave to the patriarchy (shocking!). Well, that’s the cleaned up version anyway. The unedited version appears below. Language warning......   [Read More]