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Jobs, Page 22

The price of Obamanomics: ObamaCare division

In an earlier post, I had described the deliberate sacrifice of 23,000 jobs in the Gulf region as a necessary part of President Obama’s economic amateurism: unfamiliar with how business operates in the real world, he was willing to eliminate the livelihoods of thousands in the magical belief that they would all come back as soon as he allowed drilling to resume......   [Read More]

Evil employer: Why I’m not hiring

A business owner in New Jersey explains why he’s not currently hiring. He goes into detail about how much it costs the employee to work, and how much it costs him as the employer to employ, and sums up with what I suspect are the feelings of many business owners in America who are sitting on cash right now waiting for the right time to invest, but who are uncertain and wary of doing so under this anti-business administration:.....   [Read More]