NEA: Reading, Writing, and Orgasms??
**Posted by Phineas
Bad news for “progressives”: Casual teen sex leads to poor performance in school
A new study confirms what many of us have being saying for a long time now: Casual sex is bad for teenagers. Via AP:
Condoms for kiddies: Because “sexual experimentation is not limited to an age”
Dangerously stuck on stupid in Provincetown, MA:
Teen birth rates rise 3% overall, adult liberal reading comprehension rates continue to decline
As you can expect, the news the CDC reported Wednesday about the teen birth rate rising 3% in 2006, the first time the number has risen since 1991, the usual suspects were all aflutter about how this new information is just “more proof” that “abstinence-only” programs don’t work, while comprehensive sex edcuation programs “do.”