#MediScare: The lie #DNC2012 will try to ride all the way to the election
Repeated over and over this weekend by Democrats in campaign solicitations, on the talking head shows, ads, etc. Don’t let them get away with it. Here are the facts.
(Video) Mitt Romney introduces Paul Ryan as his running mate
**Posted by Phineas
It’s official: Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is Mitt Romney’s veep nominee
Deep breaths, peeps. It’s time for us to put our differences aside, put the infighting to bed, work together on issues we agree on, and GET THIS DONE. Obama must go!
#VEEPSTAKES: Romney to announce VP selection at 9 a.m. ET Sat. in Norfolk (UPDATED)
It’s all over the news nets, and Romney’s campaign itself confirmed it.