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General, Page 54

Experiencing email woes today

Having big time problems with my email today. I can receive, but when I try to respond to emails, I get this “your email may not have been sent, please try again” message …. and in some cases I can’t even view the actual email itself outside of the title of it on the main page. I guess Earthlink is experiencing issues with their webmail. .....   [Read More]

ST finally hits the 100,000 mark

Hooray! Two years and one month after I started blogging, I’ve officially had my 100,000 hit on the site. I should note that my first year I probably had no more than 100 hits .. LOL. Because I had no idea how to promote my blog. I didn’t even get a Sitemeter until August of last year, so this is really like saying I’ve snagged 100K hits in just a little over a year......   [Read More]

My brain is fried – and how are YOU?

I know there are a lot of issues to discuss, but today is just one of those days where I’m going through what I call “brain fry” – now, I know my detractors would probably say that there’s no brain there to begin with but seriously, I don’t have it in me at the moment to write any seriously meaningful posts, especially considering all the behind the scenes drama that has unfolded in the last couple of days. That should change this evening when I’m able to go home and unwind and relax. By then I’ll be back to kicking bootie. Heh. For now, some light-hearted posting will do me some good......   [Read More]

Gotta love Google

When I logged on a few minutes ago imagine my surprise to find that the site had over 1000 hits already.  I average about 750 or so a day, so my curiosity was piqued.  I checked my Sitemeter and come to find out, my site is coming up on the first page of Google’s search engine (for the moment) for the name "Deborah Hale" – Ms. Hale is the lady I blogged about two days ago who is selling her house – as well as herself with it......   [Read More]