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US Supreme Court, Page 10

Why is the Bush administration bowing to an international court in a brutal double rape/murder case?

Those of you who are long time readers of this blog know I have defended the the President on issues many conservatives have felt like there was no defending Bush on – most noteably, the illegal immigration issue, but there have been others, too, like the UAE port deal. On another controversial issue, the Harriet Miers Supreme Court nomination, I didn’t support the President but I didn’t come down too harshly on him, either. My view of the President has generally always been that even though he sometimes may be wrongheaded about things, I believe his heart is always in the right place – as much as it can be for a politician. I don’t look at him as being a cold and calcuating individual, as I did Bill Clinton. When he advocates for something, or lobbies against it, I believe he’s got solid reasons for doing so......   [Read More]