#Obamacare: VA Democrat calls for making physicians serfs of the State
**Posted by Phineas
**Posted by Phineas
(Monday AM Update: The thread title has been changed to something even more fitting of what the NYT editorial board wrote. –ST )
Since I wrote my piece detailing how “progressive activist” and Obama tool Sally Kohn lectured millions of Americans who have lost their health insurance plans as a result of Obamacare that it was a “good thing” that was happening, I’ve noticed a similar theme/excuse-making from other liberals on the same issue. As a refresher, here’s a snippet from Kohn’s piece (bolded emphasis added by me):
**Posted by Phineas
**Posted by Phineas
College Fix’s Ben Smith files this report on the recent “Scholars’ for North Carolina’s Future” gathering held at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prepare for much New Tone: