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Hollywood Left, Page 22

The impromptu ‘global warming’ debate: David, Crow versus Rove (MORE: AN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT)

Tom Bevan at Real Clear Politics has a summary of what happened this weekend at the WH Correspondents dinner, where singers Laurie David and Sheryl Crow – global warming alarmists currently on a two week college tour to promote fear of an environmental apocolypse – confronted WH political advisor Karl Rove on the issue of ‘global warming.’ The short version, according to Bevan: Laurie David is a rude publicity hound......   [Read More]

Those Iranians sure know how to do it right!

Want to read one of the dumbest opinion pieces written in recent memory? Monty Pythoner Terry Jones, writing in today’s Guardian, provides today’s entertainment with an sarcastic opinion piece about how the Iranians ‘do it right’ in terms of how they treat their prisoners versus how all the evil western militaries treat theirs:.....   [Read More]

Gagworthy moment of the week: WaPo piece on “rock star” Al Gore (UPDATE: GORE & Co. WIN – VIDEO ADDED)

He’s been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He was a “hot ticket” recently in Canada. CBS Early Show anchor Harry Smith wondered aloud a few weeks ago if Gore should be considered a “prophet.” And today, the WaPo posted an unnewsworthy piece on Al Gore – on the front page – that describes him as a “rock star.”.....   [Read More]