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Search results for: "Obama lobbyists", Page 5

McClatchy: Is Obama turning out to be just another politician?

The normally reliable-for-liberals McClatchy news outlet switches gears today by documenting some of Obama’s nuances, double-speak, and outright flip flops. Will this be a turning point in mediot coverage of The Sainted One? I won’t hold my breath, especially considering that the article falsely states that his double-speak/hypocrisy/flip-flops is a development that only started happening “in recent weeks.” .....   [Read More]

Liberals to Obama: Dude, who the hell are you? (PLUS: OBAMA’S “PRESIDENTIAL SEAL”)

Yesterday, I wrote about how badly the far left were disappointed over the House Democrats’ “cave” on the FISA bill (btw, the House officially voted today to pass it, and the WaPo reports that the Senate will likely follow their lead). Most lefty blogs were filled with bloggers expressing “betrayal” and “disgust” at how House Democrats “turned their backs” on them – and, supposedly, the Constitution......   [Read More]

Barack Obama’s interview on Fox News Sunday

After nearly two years of “the silent treatment,” Barack Obama sat down for an interview with Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace a few days ago. Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters has a good rundown of the questions Wallace asked, which were a lot tougher than he gets from most reporters in the media, and notes how the liberals in the blogosphere are upset with BO for his civility towards Wallace......   [Read More]