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Search results for: "Obama race card", Page 6

Melanie Phillips on Obama’s non-post racial presidency

In a post about Obama’s poorly informed reaction to the arrest of Henry Gates, Melanie Phillips relects back on what she, yours truly, and many others have been saying for the last two years about how Obama has been anything but a “post-racial” politico, and how he has repeatedly used race time and time again – sometimes overtly and other times subtly – for political gain, playing the race card with the full complicity of the spintastic, covering-for-him-at-all-times mainstream media. .....   [Read More]

Obama solidifies his position as non-post racial President

I can’t really add much more to what Dan Riehl wrote last night in response to the President’s assertion in his press conference that the Cambridge police “acted stupidly” in the arrest of black Harvard “scholar” and professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. outside of his home after the report of an attempted burglarly that turned out to be him trying to get into his own home after his door apparently got stuck. The police officer who arrested Gates is being accused by Useful Idiots of racial profiling in spite of a police report that suggests otherwise (read the police report at Dan’s link)......   [Read More]

LA Times article on comedians and Obama contains a few jokes of its own

Take a look at this article written by Greg Braxton, entertainment writer for the LAT. The premise of it is nothing we haven’t heard before– comedians/late night talk show hosts are having “issues” coming up with “jokes” about Obama because of a number of things – his race being the primary factor. That eased up a bit as the general election campaign season went on, but the reluctance is back again......   [Read More]