Turning their backs on the truth
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales gave a speech yesterday at Georgetown University law school in defense of domestic warrantless wiretaps. The Washington Post’s write up on the speech of course included quotes from only those who disagreed with Gonzales statements about the wiretaps, as you’ll note in the article.
The event was not without the usual drama queens/kings who love to make their presence known at such events, as the Post notes:
Confronting Gonzales during his nearly half-hour speech were more than a dozen young people in the audience who turned their backs to him and held up for a banner for television cameras. The banner, loosely based on a Benjamin Franklin quote, read: “Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.”
Here’s the photo:

The semi-amusing thing about that photo and the Franklin quote is that the students at this “law forum” got the quote wrong. The original quote, as Michelle Malkin notes, can be found here:
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Surprised? I’m not. Because there is no line that the haters will not cross – including distorting quotes from our founding fathers – in order to undermine the President and his policies. The truth is irrelevant. It’s all about “getting Bush.”
Read more on Gonzales speech at the following blogs: Powerline (must-read!), Kerfuffles, Protein Wisdom, Stop the ACLU, Keith D. Milby, Bryan Preston
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