“Duh” headline of the day, and other misc news and links (MONDAY OPEN THREAD)
This one comes from Reuters:
Well, um, gosh – that one was hard to figure out, wasn’t it?
James Joyner and Bryan at Hot Air have the details on the Nutroots plan to do some Google-bombing of the election. What does that mean? From the link to the far left MyDD site, where the following is cross-posted from the Nutrootian Daily Kos blog:
The utilization of Google Adwords and simultaneous, widespread embedded hyperlinks in order to drive as many voters as possible toward the most damning, non-partisan article written on the Republican candidate in seventy key US Senate and House races. The campaign will run from Tuesday, October 24th until Tuesday, November 7th.Why
According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, the number one way that voters use the Internet for political action is to search for information on candidates. During the final two weeks of the election, it is reasonable to expect that as many as twenty million voters will be searching for information on candidates online. During this key time, this project will help push the most negative article written by a non-partisan media source on all key Republican candidates to the forefront of any search for that candidate. The negative article will appear both high on all Google searches for the candidates, and as an advertisement that appears whenever anyone searches for that candidate. By giving this article two prominent locations on Google searches for the candidate, and because it will come from a non-partisan source, it will increase the likelihood that the article will be seen and trusted by those searching for information on the candidate.
What deep thinkers! Isn’t that just so grownup and mature of the Nutroots to do? Almost as much as Photoshopping a picture of Joe Lieberman in blackface, or a call to “take to the streets” if they don’t win the elections this year. What WILL they think of next? I shudder to think …
It’s starting: ABCNews is reporting that electionic voting machines could ‘skew’ the elections – we need to know this, of course, in case Republicans retain control of Congress. If they don’t, then we’ll hear stories about how ‘smoothly’ elections ran across the country.
Check out this photo of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. I wonder: is it Photoshopped?
The MSM is continuing in their attempts to drive a wedge between the President and his father over disagreements they have on the President’s Iraq war policies. Apparently some MSMrs don’t understand that family members can have disagreements on things and still love each other.
Dr. Sanity has more on Yvonne Ridley, the delusional western convert to Islam I wrote about yesterday.
Want to ask the fantastic Mark Steyn a question? Hot Air will be interviewing him this week and they are asking you to submit questions you’d like them to ask him.
Detroit squashed an attempted Cardinals comeback in the 9th inning to tie up the World Series at 1 game each. Some excellent pitching by Kenny Rogers (not the singer) last night. But what was that substance on his pitching hand in the first couple of innings? Game 3 is in St. Louis Wednesday night.