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April 2009, Page 3

Hate speech alive and well on the pages of the NYT

There’s been a lot of talk lately, mainly amongst left wing hypocrites and Beltway conservative uptight types about how the right has supposedly engaged in “rampant, uncontrolled hate speech” since Barack Obama has been elected. Will they start examining their own backyard now that one of their most prominent spokespeople, Frank Rich, has taken the ‘torture’ memos and used them as a springboard to compare Bush/Cheney to … Columbine killers Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris?.....   [Read More]

Funny things

— Every once in a while, I will get email notifications that someone has requested we be “friends” at MySpace, and every time I have gotten those emails, I have wondered “what the he**?” – I’ve never signed up for MySpace!.....   [Read More]