Condoms for kiddies: Because “sexual experimentation is not limited to an age”
Dangerously stuck on stupid in Provincetown, MA:
Students in Provincetown – from elementary to high school – will be able to get free condoms at school, under a policy passed earlier this month, even though their parents might object.
“We know that sexual experimentation is not limited to an age, so how does one put an age on it?” said Superintendent Beth Singer, who wrote the policy unanimously passed two weeks ago by the Cape Cod town’s School Committee.
“It’s about availability; we’re not handing ’em out like M&M’s,” said committee chairman Peter Grosso.
The policy, which requires school nurses to supply condoms to any student who asks, was met with criticism by some parents, particularly over the possibility of preschoolers acquiring condoms. But Singer insists that if an especially young child requests a condom, the nurse will ask the student’s motive and act accordingly.
“It’s about availability; we’re not handing ’em out like M&M’s,” said committee chairman Peter Grosso.
The policy, which requires school nurses to supply condoms to any student who asks, was met with criticism by some parents, particularly over the possibility of preschoolers acquiring condoms. But Singer insists that if an especially young child requests a condom, the nurse will ask the student’s motive and act accordingly.
“If that were to happen, we would deal with it in a professional and appropriate way,” she said. “I don’t anticipate that this policy is going to affect youngsters. It’s there for adolescents. … We do know from research” that children now have sex at a younger age.
Please read that sentence again: ‘”We do know from research” that children now have sex at a younger age.’
Children. Not teens or young adults. But CHILDREN.
Not outraged enough? Read on:
Jeanmarie Kaeselau, 41, who has a fifth- and an eighth-grader in the school system, said today that she is uncomfortable with the policy, which takes effect next school year.
“That’s a little weird,” she said, adding that she would be “uncomfortable” if her fifth-grade son came home with a condom. “I’d rather have him come to me.”
But Kaeselau will not have a say if her son wishes to get a condom at school next year. The policy does not require schools to alert parents if their children receive condoms and prohibits schools from denying students whose parents object.
“[P]rohibits schools from denying students whose parents object”?? For heaven’s sake, this article pretty much speaks for itself. This is what happens when there is a failure to distinguish good from bad and right from wrong – and when liberals gain control of school boards and “school committees.” I hate to say it but it’s true. There’s just no denying it anymore. Both educational and personal decisions about children get taken out of the hands of parents and put into the hands of “educators” who think they know what’s best for your children.
But we’re just getting warmed up. Check out this story from Shenandoah, IA:
Parents are outraged after young teenagers were instructed on graphic sexual acts during a Planned Parenthood sex education class at the local high school in Shenandoah, Iowa.
“It was horribly inappropriate,” Colleen Dostal told Fox News Radio. “To do that in a mixed-gender classroom, — I truly believe it was inappropriate.”
Dostal’s 14-year-old son was one of a handful of eighth graders in the class. The students, she said, were given instruction on how to perform female exams and the instructor used a 3-D, anatomically correct male sex organ to explain how to use a condom.
But Dostal said she was most upset over the instructor simulating sexual acts using stuffed animals designed to resemble STD’s.
“I do not understand why any adult with a classroom of children would show them sexual positions,” she told Fox News Radio. “I think that’s horribly inappropriate.”
Superintendent Dick Profit told the World Herald he received an equal number of calls supporting and opposing the Planned Parenthood presentation.
“It’s a political hot potato; it’s a religious hot potato; it’s a parental hot potato,” he told the newspaper. “It’s all of these things that cause a crack in the system between society, parents and schools, and we’re still required to do it.”
Planned Parenthood’s Jennifer Horner defended the class and said some of the material had been turned around.
“We are not trying to keep any of this a secret,” Horner told the newspaper. “All information we use is medically accurate and science based.”
Profit said next year parents and guardians will receive advanced warning about the class.
Um, it’s mandated by state law that parents get notification when their children are going to be exposed (quite literally, in fact) to this type of controversial “sex education.” So how many educators at this school are going to be reprimanded for a violation of this law? My bet? Zero. It’s already being chalked up as an ‘oversight’ that won’t happen again. Uh huh. That’s what they always say.
I can’t tell you how many times in arguments I’ve had with liberals over sex ed in the public school classroom where they tell me that I “have nothing to worry about” because “parents are required to be notified.” Right. That’s never made me feel any better about the issue, and this article just goes to show that that doesn’t always happen. But on the flip side, let’s say parents are notified and sign off on their child getting the “comprehensive sex ed” lesson. What one parent thinks “comprehensive sex ed” ecompasses could be vastly different than another’s interpretation. It’s always important if a parent gets such a notification to ask a LOT of questions before making the decision on whether or not their child is exposed to the “lesson.”
And finally, a school trusting a child to be properly “educated” on the birds on the bees by the likes of Planned Parenthood is like a farmer trusting a fox to guard the henhouse. It’s just flat out stupid, considering how Planned Parenthood has a shady, disturbing history on the issue of sex ed for young people – including displaying cartoons on their websites that talk about how to “make condoms fun.” Now just who do cartoons appeal to the most? Hmm. Three guesses.
Let’s also not forget Planned Parenthood’s criminal history, like covering up the rape of an 11 year-old, as well as their numerous other wrongdoings, exposed brilliantly by the fearless Lila Rose.
Educators simply can’t rely on Planned Parenthood to give out sex education of any kind to any student.
And parents simply shouldn’t trust educators to teach their children about the birds and the bees. I know it’s a difficult subject to talk about with kids, but in the end, who would a parent rather talk to their kids about sex and sex-related issues? And if you’re a parent who is ok with the type of “education” Planned Parenthood and liberal school boards approve of for your kids, why? Young men and women in colleged today have distorted views about sex today thanks in no small part to the “free love” movement of the 60s, a movement that greatly aided in destroying the “old-fashioned” concept of responsible, committed relationships in favor of “if it feels good, do it.” This is, unfortunately, an attitude that prevails to this day.
As to how all of this affects kids long-term, I recently read an article about the damaging effect of kids being exposed to porn online, and this frightening stat jumped out:
Children are very vulnerable as compared to adults because of the presence of mirror neurons in the brain, Dr. Cooper said. Mirror neurons are part of the brain that convince us that when we see something we are actually experiencing it.
According to the American Psychological Association, over the past 12 years, girls have changed in their thinking. They are beginning to see themselves as having their only value in sexuality.
“When a child sees herself only as a sexual object, she is no longer able to demand the kind of respect she deserves,” Dr. Cooper said. “The new definition of ‘love’ these days is sending a sexually explicit picture.”
The bottom line is that sexualizing kids and “normalizing” sex at a young age has disastrous consequences down the line both for the kids and society on the whole. This is a warped “belief system” that has absolutely NO business being taken seriously anywhere, and has NO BUSINESS whatsoever being taught in any public school classroom.
It’s got to be a tough job being a parent these days with the myriad of new things that kids can be exposed to and the ways they can be exposed to them – ways that didn’t exist in the 1960s and 1970s. Not being a parent myself, I don’t want to come off as lecturing other parents so if it does sound like that, my apologies. I just believe parents these days have to be super-vigilant and super-aware when it comes to every aspect of their child’s education, because one never knows what may slip under the radar when no one is looking.