goes forward with next “betrayal” ad

Via CNN’s Political Ticker:

The organization announced Friday it is rolling out a new national television ad campaign next week accusing Bush of “a betrayal of trust.”

“Before the surge, George Bush had 130,000 troops stuck in Iraq,” states the ad’s narrator. “Americans had elected a new Congress to bring them home. Instead, Bush sent 30,000 more troops. ”

“Now he’s making a big deal about you guessed it…pulling out 30,000,” the narrator adds. “So, next year, there will still be 130,000 troops stuck in Iraq.”

“[President Bush has] given us a sham draw-down plan — 30,000 troops by next July is not a plan to end the war,” Nita Chaudhary, a spokeswoman for the organization said in a statement. “No one is fooled by this. It’s just a political scheme to provide cover for Republicans and run out the clock to the end of his term.”

Meanwhile, via The Swamp we learn that Rudy has taken out his own ad in the NYT – not response to the heavily-discounted Petraeus ad, but instead it’s one that condemns Hillary for not denouncing the now infamous “Betray-us” ad. And Hillary has responded.

Hmmm. A sign of things to come, perhaps, next fall? :-?

And Hillary may not have condemned it, but Ben Smith at The Politico is calling Elizabeth Edwards criticism of the ad her “Sister Souljah” moment.

Sister Toldjah moments are better, I think ;)

Update: Sheesh! And will be running an ad against Rudy in Iowa next week. Here we go …

Still more: The Advertising Age reports that Rudy paid the same price for his ad as MoveOn did. Well, because the NYT took the heat about the MoveOn ad, I guess they figured they didn’t have a choice with Rudy’s.

Here’s much, much more on the MoveOn nonsense, via Michelle Malkin.

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