Forget to use protection? No problemo
The “morning after” pill will be available over the counter soon to women over 18, thanks to the FDA:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Women can buy the morning-after pill without a prescription, the government declared Thursday, a major step that nevertheless failed to quell the politically charged debate over access to emergency contraception.
It may soon be available for minors without a prescription, too:
The manufacturer, lawmakers and other advocates said they will press the government to allow minors to purchase the pills over the counter.
The Food and Drug Administration said that women 18 and older — and men purchasing for their partners — may buy the Plan B pills without a doctor’s note, but only from pharmacies.
Girls 17 and younger still will need a prescription to buy the pills, the FDA told manufacturer Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc., in ruling on an application filed in 2003.
Planned Parenthood’s president Cecile Richards said in response:
“While we are glad to know the FDA finally ended its foot-dragging on this issue, Planned Parenthood is troubled by the scientifically baseless restriction imposed on teenagers. The U.S. has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the Western world — anything that makes it harder for teenagers to avoid unintended pregnancy is bad medicine and bad public policy,” president Cecile Richards said.
Um, considering that it’s thanks to groups like Planned Parenthood and their pro-teen sex (but SAFE sex, of course!) advocacy that have, by their very actions, helped create that alarming teen pregnancy rate here in the US, I find Ms. Richards statement comical. Well maybe not, considering the subject matter is so serious.
What is the best way to avoid unintended pregnancy if you’re a teen? We all know the answer, but groups like PP aren’t interested in hearing it: it’s called abstinence. I know that’s a dirty word in the halls of some of these ‘pro-women’s rights’ groups like NARAL but, well, that’s the answer. “But they’re going to do it anyway!” they say. Oh ok. Well I guess the answer is to just give up, lower the standards for teens, and tell them “Ok teens, we know you’re going to do it, so make sure you use protection. By the way, did you know that you could make condoms fun? Did you know that there are other ways to engage in sexual activity that don’t involve the actual “act”? Yep! Check it out:”
These ‘women’s rights groups’ also want to ‘protect’ children and teens from their parents – even when an 11 year old admits on a Planned Parenthood site that they were raped by a 17 year old boy:
I was raped at 11, by my 17 year old boyfriend. I chose not to tell my parents because I didn’t think their involvement would help, that was the right choice for me. Planned Parethood helped me deal with the aftermath of the rape allowing me to deal and cope as best as I could in my own way. I was 14 when I decided to start having sex, the day I made that choice I made an appointment to get birth control pills. I’m 17 now, I’ve been with my current boyfriend for about two years. During that time i’ve been HIV and STD tested four times. Right now I’m sitting in the waiting room while my boyfriend gets the results for his HIV test. We love each other so we’re responsible and Planned Parenthood helps us to do that.
– name withheld –
Got it? To Planned Parenthood, the young girl in the above story didn’t need protection from her 17 y/o “boyfriend” who raped her, but her parents, who she didn’t want to know. Not surprising, since these types of groups strongly oppose parental consent laws, too.
Preachy ‘progressive’ feministas like Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards make my stomach turn, because when I read things like what she had to say about the hoped-for OTC availability of the “morning after” pill to teens, I recognize right away that ‘women’s rights advocates’ like Richards are not really interested in preventing teens from getting pregnant, and they could care less about promoting sexual responsibility amongst female teens, because if they were they’d promote the very thing that would be a fool-proof way of ensuring teens didn’t get pregnant nor get a STD: abstinence.
Imagine if PP were to change its tune and devote as much time now to promoting abstinence as it has in the past promoting ‘safe sex’ and ‘alternative ways to engage in sexual activity that doesn’t involve the actual act’. We wouldn’t have to worry about that high teen pregnancy rate that Richards mentioned, nor would we have to worry about the decisions a female teen would have to make when they found out they were pregnant (To keep or not to? To tell mom and dad or not to?).
Now, though, Planned Parenthood wants to let teenagers know that if you don’t have safe sex, you should still have access to a pill that you could take in the morning after that would prevent a little – uh – ‘problem’ from developing. Literally.
There’s a reason why Planned Parenthood and other groups like them don’t put a heavy emphasis on abstinence for teens: because they realize that if they set such a high standard for teens, then adult women would have to ‘lead by example’ to show young female teens that it was the ‘cool’ thing to do – and oh no, we cannot have that. Whether you’re a young female teen or an adult woman you should be able to have sex when you want, with who you want, and if you’re not ‘responsible’ for yourself during the act, you should have the option of being ‘responsible’ after the fact.
Now, I do realize that sex ed starts in the home. But we live in an age where so much information is available to teens via sex ed classes at their schools and also via the touch of a keyboard and a view of a computer screen. It is physically impossible for parents to monitor their kids activities 24-7, and because of that, organizations like Planned Parenthood should feel obligated to advocate a strong sense of moral responsibility when it comes to the decision about whether or not a teen should have sex. But, as I explained earlier, it’s not something they’re really interested in. Sex on demand is paramount whether you’re a teen or an adult.
With their push for the “morning after” pill to be available to teens over the counter, Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be able to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes anymore as to what they’re about: not responsibility, but sexual ‘freedom’ without having to worry or even acknowledge the consequences. For teens. Sadly, this is yet one more example of a group of ‘do gooder’ liberal organizations who don’t seek to elevate the standards of responsibility for anyone – teen or adult, but instead lower them so they don’t have to worry about being responsible for their actions. It’s bad enough to promote this type of behavior among adults, but it’s reprehensible to do so with teenagers.