Salt Lake City Mayor: Hatin’ Bush, admirin’ Cindy Sheehan – and proud of it
The Salt Lake Tribune reports:
Offended by Rocky Anderson’s plans to protest President Bush this week, the Utah Republican Party is waging a public-relations campaign urging Utahns to call the mayor and tell him to “stop embarrassing” the state.
And while Utahns have listened – flooding City Hall with almost 300 calls and overwhelming the phone system – Anderson hasn’t.
Salt Lake City’s mayor isn’t altering his protest plans. “Given the nastiness of some of these people, it actually just bolsters my resolve,” said Anderson, who previously alleged that the “real embarrassment” is Utahns’ unwavering support of Bush.
The GOP acknowledged that its push, sending out thousands of voice-mail messages to Republicans and running ads on about 20 radio stations around the state, wouldn’t change Anderson’s mind.
“This is all about letting the rest of Utah have a voice to counter his voice,” said Utah Republican Party Executive Director Jeff Hartley. “We want to make sure the rest of Utah at least lets him know they disagree with his behavior. It may not change his behavior, but he will at least know he doesn’t get a free pass when he embarrasses the state.”
Hartley said party headquarters and Republican elected officials have received “dozens” of calls from people upset Anderson is speaking at the protest and invited Cindy Sheehan to join him. Since Sheehan’s son died in Iraq in 2004, she has become a national face of the anti-war movement.
Ads started running Monday with heavy play in Utah’s rural counties, where residents are “hopping mad this man is representing our state to the world,” Hartley said.
City Hall was inundated with calls Monday and hired three temporary workers to handle them.
One of the great things about America is that the SLC mayor has the right to do this (even though that doesn’t make it right to do). Another great thing about America is that I (and you) have a right to view him as just another anti-war Bush-hating moonbat who holds a local office and who thinks it’s cool to use his position in order to voice his opposition to the President and/or his policies in the most embarassing of ways.
Grow up, Mayor Anderson.
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