Desperate for cash, Lamont donates $2 million more to his campaign
What does he blame having to donate more of his own money to his campaign on? An alleged Lieberman “slush fund.” Via the Hartford Courant:
Ned Lamont donated another $2 million to his Senate campaign Saturday – and questioned huge cash expenditures reported by the campaign of Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman.
The latest donation by Lamont, a wealthy businessman, brings his personal investment in the campaign to $12.7 million.
The Lamont campaign questioned $387,000 in cash disbursements by Lieberman’s campaign shortly before the Democratic primary won by Lamont on Aug. 8.
“It appears Lieberman [is] effectively circumventing federal campaign finance laws by not disclosing to the public exactly who received all of this money. Ned Lamont, on the other hand, has listed just $500 in petty cash and has strictly adhered to FEC rules,” the Lamont campaign said in a statement Saturday night.
At least 10 payments labeled “petty cash” for “volunteers” are listed in Lieberman’s campaign finance report, which was made public last week by the Federal Election Commission. The largest payment of $135,000 was made Aug. 4. Other cash payments in the days before the primary included $75,000 on Aug. 7 and $87,500 on Aug. 2.
Tammy Sun, a spokeswoman for the Lieberman campaign, said the money was used for payments to young field workers hired in the closing weeks of the primary. She said they were paid $50, $75 or $100 a day.
“To help combat an alarmingly large and suspicious slush fund in Senator Lieberman’s latest campaign finance report, Democratic Senate nominee Ned Lamont today contributed an additional $2 million to his upstart campaign against the three-term incumbent,” the campaign announced.
This is the Lamont campaign’s way of ignoring the fact that he doesn’t have the financial support out there that the Nutroots wish like hell he did against a respected and well-liked Senator like Joe Lieberman. Lamont is blaming Joe Lieberman’s “slush fund” for the fact that the support he needs simply isn’t there.
Where’s George Soros when Lamont needs him?