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October 2006, Page 4

As expected, Olbermann defends Webb’s smut books, but a year ago he slammed a similar type book of Scooter Libby’s

When I blogged earlier this week about the Allen campaign releasing selected excerpts of books written by Jim Webb, I made clear that I didn’t think the book excerpts were a big deal. Were they sexually bizarre? Yes. But were excerpts of fictional books relevant to this race? No......   [Read More]

NYT writes a second endorsement for Ned Lamont – cites “growing sophistication about the issues” as a factor

With Nutroots candidate Ned Lamont’s campaign going nowhere fast, the NYT is pulling out all the stops in order to try and help him gain some momentum in the polls, going into the elections in just over a week. The latest poll taken in the CT Senate race shows Lieberman with a 12 point lead. Quinnipac has him up by 17......   [Read More]

Another look at Missouri’s proposed Amendment 2: It’s a fraud

I blogged last night about Missouri’s proposed Amendment 2, and wanted to do so again today because what I’ve read about it has really been weighing on me. I’ve had a chance to research it some more since my last post, and after doing so, I have no doubt in my mind that those who have asserted that A2 is a pro-cloning bill are 100% correct......   [Read More]

Proposed Missouri Amendment 2: Pro human cloning?

Watch the below video, and read the text (all the way through, even the fine print) of Amendment 2 and see for yourself. This is the amendment that Senator Talent opposes on grounds that it makes human cloning legal in Missouri. It’s the same amendment that demagogue Claire McCaskill uses to accuse Senator Talent of essentially being against cures for diseases. .....   [Read More]