Revealed: Pro-lifers want to treat womyn as “property”!
*stands up, clears throat, looks around nervously at the rest of the people who are sitting in the group circle*
Hi. I’m Sister Toldjah.
I believe life begins at conception.
But I don’t believe that a woman should be considered a human being, but instead as nothing more than a walking incubator, who should be on standby to be impregnated everytime her master decides it’s time for her to fulfill her “wifely duties.”*
Ok. That last part was a whole lot untrue. But you wouldn’t know it if you read the predictable outrage being expressed by several feminist blogs today over a pro-life video released by First, here’s the 60 second video:
Here’s the transcript, courtesy of the suitably wigged out trailer park feminist:
SCENE: a box factory
NARRATOR: If you thought there was a small chance that a baby was hidden in a box, wouldn’t you treat the box as if it held a baby, just in case?
SCENE: an ultrasound image
NARRATOR: So even if you think there’s just a small chance that an unborn child is a baby, shouldn’t you treat it as if it were, just in case? Something to think about.
tpf’s reaction (emphasis hers):
Wow. If you ever doubted that the pro-life movement thinks of women not so much as people with individual personalities, feelings and responsibilities in life, but more as mindless, thoughtless containers for babies, this little video from ought make it pretty clear.
And shouldn’t we treat women like property, you know, just in case?
Jill at the Feministe blog fumed:
That’s right, ladies: You’re a box for a baby. I’m not sure I can emphasize enough that they think you’re an object and a piece of property, not a person deserving of full human rights.
Pregnant chick, boxΓ’β¬Β¦ both are apparently totally useless unless filled with babies (or, uh, something else β maybe JT was on to something). And once the thing is empty, well, I suppose the best we can do is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Jeff Fecke, an apparent male feminist at Shakespeare’s Sister, whines:
Yes indeedy, ladies, you may have thought yourself to be a fully autonomous human being with desires and emotions and goals and needs, but really, you’re just an empty box. But good news — you just might contain a baby inside you! So, like, in that case, we’ll take care of you! Until the baby’s removed, at which point you can be discarded or recycled or stored in a basement until later.
Another male feminist weighs in:
I’m not sure which is more amazing; the ease with which the anti-abortion folks can reduce a complicated and intensely personal event such as a pregnancy down to this simplistic and dehumanizing idiocy, or the idea that they can portray women as nothing but a cardboard box and get away with it.
First off, um, why the bleepity bleep are men giving their .02 on this for crying out loud? I thought it was an codified in FU (Feminista Universe) that men were outlawed from being able to express their opinions on anything related to a woman’s reproductive functions because, dammit, they aren’t womyn! Oh wait … what’s this? Ah! The fine print, which states that any man who accepts the fact that womyn are the dominant players in the universe, and who therefore embraces his role as subserviant underling as part of the punishment he must pay for the sins of past generations of evil males, is a man whose opinion is worth listening to, wholly because his opinion is the result of years of listening over and over again to the pseudo-intellectual feminist babbling that is supposed to pass for enlightened “discourse.”
Secondly, what up with objecting to “objectifying” anything? Asssuming for purposes of discussion that the video really does objectify women, what’s the beef (no pun intended)? After all, haven’t feminist women been treating men for years as as merely a mindless tool to be used solely for ‘sexual release’?
Yes, I’m digressing. Back to the video we go.
What was the first thing you thought about when you saw it? Did you view it as Inside Catholic objectifying women? What I got out of it was that they were implying that a baby is “precious cargo” which we should go out of our way to protect, using as simple a metaphor as possible (but apparently not simple enough, as evidenced by the knee-jerk reactions to it).
But then again, what do I know? I’m just a woman who apparently views myself, as well as other women, as “objects” that are “useless” unless they are “assuming the position” in order to help their “slavemasters” carry on the family name.
Just what does it say about the warped priorities of feminist women whose first and only reaction to an ad on protecting the life of the unborn is to b*tch and moan about how they feel it unfairly portrays them, rather than to contemplate the value of the little life that is seen moving in the ultrasound? It demonstrates once again the utter hypocrisy of a group of radical liberals who decry the alleged narcissism of conservatives, but who in reality are some of the most insanely selfish people you’ll ever come across. This comment made by trailer park feminist commenter “Desire-eh” exemplifies that attitude (emphasis added):
When I was pregnant with my now 18 yr old, I was active with the Monroe County Coaltion for a Woman’s right to choose and I would tape a sign to my swollen belly that said “This is My Choice for My Body”. Anti-choice people would come up to me and argue that women were getting abortions when they were my size (8 mos- term) because they didn’t like the color of the baby’s eyes (unknown till several weeks or even months After birth)What I’m saying is their ignorance is their strength. If men gave birth, there would be no question about legal abortion, and if all anti-choicers had to adopt at least 5 children from unwanted, or unable pregnancies, I bet they’d change their tune as well. “If These Walls Could Talk”, about abortion, should be shown in school..”History is doomed to repeat itself, lest we forget..” No one cares about the children after they’re here.. how sad.. only when they don’t exist yet..
Comprende? Here’s the translation: Children can be so freaking burdensome sometimes, you know? It’s better that we put them out of their misery before they are born because we can’t risk the inconvenience they’ll surely bring to our pampered, carefree lives.
But seriously, and more to the point, what a feminist really means when she complains about the alleged “burden” children will place on her is that she doesn’t care to see a daily reminder of just how irresponsible she was with her body, and she’s mad as hell that she can’t continue her irresponsible lifestyel like she used to, because she has a little “burden” to take care of.
Whether or not one believes that a woman being able to bear a child is a gift from God, the ability in and of itself is incredibly powerful. The only thing that video is implying by those boxes is for the woman to treat that unborn life as if it is fragile cargo, to effectively stamp it with a “handle with care” label, rather than something like this:
This really isn’t rocket science. But to the paranoid uber-feminist who treats every day as if we’re seconds away from reverting back to the 1800s, who sees who she believes are rights-stealing “religious Rethuglicans” around every corner, even the simplist things are complex. Like, for starters, not understanding that the word abortion has its roots in the word “abort” which means to “terminate” something, whether it be a contract, an employee, or …. a life growing inside of a mother’s womb. Feminist women passionately argue that that what’s inside a woman’s body isn’t a life, it’s just a “blob of tissue” – but if that were the case, there would be no need to terminiate a “blob of tissue” because “blobs of tissue” don’t breathe. Doctors would just need to “remove” it.
If I could re-write and re-produce that Inside Catholic video in an effort to appeal to radical liberal women, this is how the narrative would read/sound:
SCENE: a box factory
NARRATOR: If you thought there was a small chance that a brain was hidden in a box, wouldn’t you treat the box as if it held a brain, just in case?
SCENE: a brain Xray
NARRATOR: So even if you think there’s just a small chance that an unused brain is useable, shouldn’t you treat it as if it were, just in case? Something to think about.
This is your brain. This is your brain on radical feminism.
Any questions?