Tonight’s GOP debate

This is awful, but I didn’t even know there was a debate tonight. Guess that shows how enthused I am about the race, eh?

It’s on FoxNews, and starts at 9 ET (you can watch it online here – there’s a java link at the top of the page).

Seeing as to how the poll numbers are looking, with McCain gaining momentum in SC and now in the lead, I anticipate Huckabee (now in 2nd) and McCain will be going after each other, while Rudy and Romney go after Huckabee and McCain. Let’s hope that for once, at least, it’ll be substantive. Truther Ron Paul will be at this one this time, so expect sparks to fly if he gets going good.

ST reader steveegg will be liveblogging it, and has gotten an early start to it with a pre-debate party of sorts.

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