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January 2008, Page 10

Is Richard Cohen part of the VRWC/Hillary Clinton cabal against Obama?

I ask that because not only has the liberal Cohen, in the past, called the rabid fanatical Bush haters for what they are, but today he has broached a subject that the Barack Obama campaign and its supporters are sensitive about, and that’s the Senator’s close relationship with controversial Chicago Trinity United Church of Christ minister Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.:.....   [Read More]

Barack Obama: One smooth operator

Three days after his national spokeswoman implied that something “bigger” (read: racism) might have been at play regarding what some are saying have been “racially insensitive remarks” made by the Clintons and their campaign, and two days after it surfaced that his South Carolina spokesperson was circulating a memo detailing how the Clinton campaign was supposedly “politicizing race,” Senator Barack Obama held a news conference today addressing the allegations in general:.....   [Read More]

Hillary echoes Obama’s strategy of taking credit for the positive changes in Iraq – PLUS: More racially charged allegations

First, Barack Obama absurdly claimed in a New Hampshire debate earlier this month that the reason we are seeing much less violence in Iraq is because Iraqis were spurred into action after Democrat threats post-election 2006 to pull troops out of Iraq......   [Read More]