Friday evening links
I’m feeling a little under the weather this evening, but wanted to post a few quick links for your perusal:
—– PDS strikes again: The media’s obsession with Sarah Palin continues, this time thanks to a story making headlines about how Palin’s daughter Bristol’s fiance’s mother has been arrested on drug charges. I know you’re thinking what I’m thinking: I couldn’t have lived another day without knowing that, right?
—– AllahPundit has the latest news on the Franken/Coleman battle. Warning: It’s not good.
—– Blago proclaims, “I’m not guilty.” And the only people who believe him are most of the corruptocrats deeply entrenched in the Chicago Machine.
—– A second CNN meteorlogist has bluntly stated that the theory that global warming is man-made is “arrogant.” Will he lose his AMS seal? For the record, CNN weatherhunk Rob Marciano had the nerve to question the theory of man-made global warming last year. The day after he made the comments, he “revised” them – presumably under pressure (or perhaps threats?) from the higher ups.
—– Speaking of the weather, areas of the Northeast are preparing for a white Christmas as a major cold front has rolled in. It’d be nice to get just a tiny bit of snow next Thursday here but it’s highly unlikely, so it’ll be another year without a full-fledged white Christmas here in Charlotte, NC.
—– Is Oprah planning a move to DC? Hmmm.
—– I’m with ya: Senator Shelby (R-AL) makes his opinion known on the appeal by John “Taliban Johnny” Walker Lindh’s parents to President Bush to pardon their son: Don’t.
—– Good news: Soros-influenced groups make inroads in Obama Administration.
—– Larry Elder writes about the mainstream media’s giddiness over the shoe-throwing Iraqi “journalist.” Of course we know the far left is just as excited about it as well. So many of them have either said or implied that the incident – which is considered an insult in the Arab world -is a symbol of how “many” feel about the Iraq war and the President. In turn, I say that the reaction to the incident is a symbol of how the far left have chosen to repeatedly act like children over the last 8 years rather than add anything of importance or value to the debate.
Then again, juveniles will be juveniles.